and Christ revealed
If you would like to understand every book of the Bible,



Opening up every book of the Bible bringing you into a deeper and more extensive understanding of the divine truths
Every message is governed by 3 principles
The Triune God is dispensing Himself into His chosen and redeemed people
Interpretation and development of the truths is with Christ for the church
Emphasizes Christ, the Spirit, the divine life, and the church

“The first two chapters appear to be a record of creation, but this is superficial. The underlying thought is focused on life. These two chapters are a record of life. They are too simple and too brief to be an adequate account of creation. Genesis 1 and 2 were not intended by God to be a record of creation, but a revelation of [the divine] life.”1
― Life-Study of Genesis
“Regeneration, like redemption and justification, is an aspect of God’s full salvation. Redemption and justification solve our problem with God and reconcile us to God. Regeneration enlivens us with God’s life and brings us into a relationship of life, an organic union, with God… To be regenerated is to receive another life, the divine life, in addition to the human life. We all received the human life from our parents. But because of God’s choosing, the Spirit’s sanctifying, and Christ’s redeeming, God begets us, regenerates us. As a result, we have a second birth.”2
― Life-Study of First Peter
Watchman Nee
Books full of the spiritual significances and life within the truth.
Watchman Nee’s books convey insight from the Bible–rich in truth, light, life, and spirit.
His writings are living, vibrant and full of power from God, yet easily received by readers.

The Glorious Church
Four significant representations of the church in the Bible: Eve in Genesis 2, the wife in Ephesians 5, the woman in Revelation 12, and the bride in Revelation 21 and 22. The church’s high calling is to fulfill God’s eternal purpose.
From the book:
“The church is not a matter of several Christians being put together with several other Christians. It is not so many ‘men’; it is a life. The church is the church only because there are many people who all share the same life, the same Christ. You have a portion of Christ, and he has a portion of Christ; each one of us has a portion of Christ. When all of these portions of Christ are put together, there is the church.”3
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How to Study the Bible
In How to Study the Bible Watchman Nee pays attention to the person who studies the Bible. Even with the right methods, we can receive very little in our study of the Bible if our person is not proper before the Lord.
From the book:
“The Bible is the word of God. It is full of God’s light. Yet this light will only enlighten those who are open to Him. Second Corinthians 3:18 says, ‘But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord.’ The basic qualification for being enlightened by the glory of the Lord is to behold Him with unveiled face. If a man comes to the Lord with a veiled face, the glory will not enlighten him. God’s light will only enlighten those who are open to Him… We must not pay attention just to reading and studying; rather, we should ask if we are open before the Lord… If our heart is not open to God, God cannot give us any light.”4
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Witness Lee

The Economy of God
The move of the Divine Trinity according to His economy is clearly revealed, and the believers are given practical ways to cooperate with Him for the fulfillment of His eternal plan.
From the book:
“Regardless of how much education we may obtain, what kind of position we may have, or how much wealth we may possess, we are still meaningless, since we were purposely made as a container to contain God as our sole content. As containers, we must receive God into our being… The basic teaching of the whole Scripture is simply this: God is the very content, and we are the containers made to receive this content. We must contain God and be filled with God.”5
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The Tree of Life
God is not looking for well-behaved Christians; He is looking for those who will experience and enjoy Christ as the reality of the tree of life.
From the book:
“We must learn to come to the Lord in a new way. We must learn how to contact the Lord by opening ourselves from within. You have to say, ‘Lord, help me to open my mind, to open my heart, and even to open my spirit, to open my entire being, the depths of my being, to You. Lord, reveal Your riches to me and impart Yourself into me that I may enjoy You.’ If you will open yourself to the Lord in such a way, you will see how real, available, and precious the Lord is. You will sense His presence within, and you will be filled with Him. He is not only the life to you, but He is also the food (the bread of life), the drink (the water of life), and the air (the breath of life) to you.”6
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1 Lee, Witness. Life-study of Genesis. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1987, p. 7.
2 Lee, Witness. Life-study of First Peter. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1985, p. 24-25.
3 Nee, Watchman. The Glorious Church. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1968, p. 32.
4 Nee, Watchman. How to Study the Bible. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1948 and 1949, p. 17.
5 Lee, Witness. The Economy of God. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1964, p. 48.
6 Lee, Witness. The Tree of Life. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1965, p. 13.