New Testament
Study Bible
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  • Faithful and accurate translation from the Greek and Hebrew
  • Close to a literal (not literary) translation to give the Spirit opportunity to speak to the reader with help of verses in footnotes and cross-references


  • 9,000 footnotes expounding the revelation of the truth
  • Using the Bible to explain the Bible
  • Clearly expounding the revelation of the truth
  • Emphasizing the supply of spiritual light and divine life


  • 13,000 cross-references to verses developing spiritual truths
  • Linking verses to other verses containing same spiritual truth–not merely to similar expressions and facts


  • Outlines presenting the structure and crucial points in each section
  • Place before each book and embedded within the text


  • Placed before each book
  • Providing information on author, time and place written and recipient


  • Presenting the central thought of each book according to the divine revelation

Charts and Maps

  • Charts of crucial truths for your understanding
  • Maps showing the New and Old Testament lands